Boycott The BAC!!

The BAC and the AIA continue fail in addressing and promoting diversity/Black/Americans in Architecture over the past 30 years.

“False/over-promoted black people/professionals  (tokens) cannot change the face of Architecture”

Joseph Edgecombe, Architectural Scholar/Educator-Professional, Leader

BAC President fails to address oversight issues  regarding Black student/alumni(graduates)/professionals Ted Landsmarks oversights led to the hanging/promotion of a racist building poster/banner-advertisement, much due to institutional misconduct and deception/fraudulent that has been going on for many years/recent past –  at the segregated Boston Architectural Night-College/ center that continually promotes – a white-only image and vision and architecture and the City of Boston.
The center of racism in Boston: The Boston Architectural Center/night school (college/old boys club)
“BAC President Ted Landsmark is not an Architect” and therefore not qualified to represent the struggle of the Black American architectural students and/or aspiring architectural/business professionals.
  • He has not faced stonewalling/institutional racism and deceptive tactics that Black/African-Americans and other Urban/Minority groups face in the white -only- elitist/racist field as architecture or biased/ white-dominated educational institutions of architectural education.
Ted Landsmark – an unqualified outsider/non-architect fails to address race and diversity issues (of) and the problems regarding the advancement & promotion of Black/African-Americans and other Urban/Minority groups.
  • Ted Landsmark is not an Architect, although he  has been promoted in the architectural area/education he in not an Architect, he is an outsider,
  • He has never worked in an architect’s office or any other related architecture/design engineering work/office-professional area, and as well he holds no credit or zero credit/status with NCARB/AIA in Washington DC,
  • He has never completed any internship-training/study-certificate towards becoming an architect and…
  • He has never filed any credit towards becoming an architect or towards working in the architectural/related field therefore he is a complete outsider who lacks work experience, background,  professional and/or intern – apprentice credit.
Ted Landmark therefore he lacks the knowledge and education  of the experience  of the need and issues of black architects and aspiring/younger black architects/students, interns, graduates and pre-graduates who are facing race and diversity issues and problems in educational institution that are based on the  white icon/ white – only model of the white American architect/propaganda.
Slightly related education/experience is completely unacceptable therefore he never should have been considered for – or given any position at all in the architectural field/education or organization especially if it is a work/study related area (such as the BAC).
In conclusion it is quite easy to state that Ted Landsmark is definitely not qualified to handle the responsibility of the needs and concerns of  aspiring Black- American architectural professionals because he is not a part of the architectural community, as an outsider he is completely disconnected from the critical issues of architectural advancement/promotion of the Black-American architect or aspiring experienced /emerging architect of color – because he does not have any experience working in the architectural business/for white-dominated architectural/related firms.
To cover-up and not expose the fact that he/Ted Lansmark is not an architect would be a crime. There is a huge difference between and outsider like Lansmark who is not an architect and Black Americans who have studied worked and sacrificed for many years in a white-only/dominated profession to become an architect or to work in architectural related business, firms or organization.
He has been given his time as an unqualified-outsider/token-black and the time has now come for him to step down, resign and make way for new leadership.
 Sherry Snipes of the AIA is not and Architect or a trained/educated architecturel professional.
  •  Sherry Snipes is not an Architect, although she  has been promoted in the architectural area/diversity she in not an Architect, she is an outsider,
  • She has never worked in an architect’s office or any other related architecture/design engineering work/office-professional area, and as well she holds no credit or zero credit/status with NCARB/AIA in Washington DC,
  • She has never completed any internship-training/study-certificate towards becoming an architect and…
  • She has never filed any credit towards becoming an architect or towards working in the architectural/related field therefore he is a complete outsider who lacks work experience, background,  professional and/or intern – apprentice credit.
 Whitney Young Jr., executive director of the National Urban League in the late 1960s is” Not an Architect”.
  •  Whitney Young Jr is not an Architect, although he  has been promoted in the architectural area/info. he in not an Architect, he is an outsider,
  • He has never worked in an architect’s office or any other related architecture/design engineering work/office-professional area, and as well he holds no credit or zero credit/status with NCARB/AIA in Washington DC,
  • He has never completed any internship-training/study-certificate towards becoming an architect and…
  • He has never filed any credit towards becoming an architect or towards working in the architectural/related field therefore he is a complete outsider who lacks work experience, background,  professional and/or intern – apprentice credit
Joseph Edgecombe, Policy Architect/Leader