Exposure Architecture –“Save The Institute” is about the protest and affairs regarding the demolition/razing of the John D. O’bryant African-American Institute at Northeastern University in Boston. The students protest regarding the plans the University had to demolish the Institute/Center rose to the level of various affairs in the media/press. As in the case of various urban/community-neighborhood developments where local concerned residents/activist play a major part in voicing urgent concerns about a proposed project — The same was true for Northeastern Universities Black student population.


May 10, 2012


Boycott The BAC!!

End the unfair & unethical practices at the Boston Architectural  College/Center (night school) that deprive Black Americans/other minorities of color of the rights for promotion, advancement and fair treatment. 

END RACISM IN BOSTON: Black American issues must be included and resolved not excluded and dismissed by architectural educational institutions. After 20-30 years of struggle for Diversity in Boston – the BAC continues to drive time backwards by displaying an all white-only student/building signage-advertisement which excludes Black Americans and other minorities struggling to be recognized as architectural achievers.

April 27, 2012 Obama to Cracks Down on Deceptive Practices by Colleges That Recruit Veterans “The Chronicle of Higher Education” – But he miss the target his efforts and miss the target and fails to address the needs of Black/African-Americans… who have become victims of corrupt and deceptive institutions such as the Anti-Black Boston Architectural Night/School-College/Center of passive-racism and disrespect.

ENDING RACISM IN BOSTON: Black American issues must be included and resolved not excluded and dismissed by architectural educational institutions

Protest and rally against racist building poster/banner-advertisement, institutional misconduct and deception/fraudulence at the segregated Boston Architectural Night-College/ center that promotes – a white-only image and vision and architecture and the city of Boston.

We need to change the architecture business /professional and industry by not promoting the same white-only images that were prevalent during the 1980’s. The time for critical address and change has come and we cannot let deviant-escapist/racist culture continue to dominate the future of Boston and America.

We need to end racism in Boston by targeting racist institutions that promote hidden subliminal racist advertisement /propaganda and marketing that promotes a white-only image/vision of architecture and the city of Boston. Our passive Mayor Menino is blind to the facts of racism in Boston as well as BAC president Ted Landsmark.

Therefore we the people and leadership of Black Boston must protest against racist activities at problematic, dysfunctional/racist, predominately white-elitist institutions such as The Boston Architectural Night-College/ center of (new form) racism in Boston.

We must be active in emphasizing that hidden and subliminal/covert racism is unacceptable, and covering-up racist – hostile, prejudiced acts of misconduct by staff/faculty and administration will not be tolerated.

We must Change the negative-abusive/racist culture at problematic educational institutions such as the (racist) Boston Architectural Night-School /College and therefore address the failed leadership of racist and prejudiced institutions & organizations around Boston by asking the failed leaders – often token Black Americans such as Ted Landmark to step down, resign and make room for new leadership, new direction and new vision.

Joseph Edgecombe – National Urban Affairs Architect/Scholar, BSBM/BSIB

END RACISM IN BOSTON: Black American issues must be included and resolved not excluded and dismissed by architectural educational institutions after 20-30 years of struggle for diversity.



The DISHONEST & UNFAIR Boston Architectural  College – Center /Club?

Reforming Dishonesty and Unfairness/Unfair-Unethical Practices at the (so-called) Boston Architectural  College – Center /(Old Boys) Club

Blueprint for Reform Part 1 –

New Standards of Ethics, Responsibility & Accountability 

Resolutions & Recommendations on Justice –

The remodeling, reforming and rebuilding of the Boston Architectural Center / Night  College

By Joseph C. Edgecombe, Educational & Architectural Scholar



A New Revolution for a New Millennium

The Black Architectural Revolution (BAR)-An Emancipation Proclamation/Project

A new foundation for a new millennium

Due to the fact of the prevalence, evidence, racism discrimination, bigotry, negligence, coercion and misinformation in the architectural education and professional fields – steps and actions must be taken to correct inequality and injustices in the profession of Architecture.


Therefore the following resolutions and recommendations are to be made true.

Resolution 1.0 CRISIS

Recognition of major crisis & racial problems in architectural education and the industry

Young black/Afro-Americans are suffering to consequences of an industry which has not adopted itself to the post-civil rights era environment in society (modern society). They suffer from old and dominant networks of separation and segregation which is a form of apartheid and discriminatory behavior which has always been and still is prevalent and the professional and academic environments of architecture which destroys their financial and academic livelihood. Other institutions could benefit from this type of initiative as well.

Resolution 2.0 CAUSE / FAULT

Recognition & Research of the causes of the faults of the architecture industry

The Boston Architectural Center needs to recommend procedures and policy to put a stop to rampant racism, exploitation and discrimination in the architectural field.


Resolution 3.0 PROCEEDURE

The need the take procedures / steps to stop prejudice & prejudiced-racist/biased grading

Adopt policy and procedures for afro-Americans to put a stop to race based derogatory grading and treatment against black/Afro-Americans and falsely based preferential / special treatment and over-grading of white American and (new) foreign students.

Resolution 4.0 REMEDY

The need to make hygienic remedy and take care of neglected issues and students

Return all tuition paid by Black/Afro-American Students who have invested (as consumers) in their education at the BAC, but were unfairly and poorly treated or cheated or coerced out of receiving their degree(s), and or fair treatment/correction and transfer of proper grades.

Resolution 5.0 ACTION

Take actions to investigate and solve possible career damaging actions to the students because of the problems of the staffs lack of student respect

Research, review and correct all records for discriminatory, racist and biased based grades given to Afro-American students and a proper means towards repair their educational and professional careers.

Resolution 6.0 HONOR

Honor all students, who have sacrificed their time and their lives to study architecture for the development of society.

Recommend the advancement, promotion and adjudication of victims of dishonest behavior and degrading propaganda promotion.

Resolution 7.0 CREATE / MISSION

Use creative research to solve academic & institutional problems especially when concerning Afro-American students.

Create a mission statement and project to correct and research all Black/Afro-American student records with a notification that an investigative research is taking place and that the school apologizes if unfair procedures and malpractice has affected their career in a negative manner and caused them financial or educational plight.

Resolution 8.0 GRANT

Grant certificates or documentations of achievement to emphasize accomplishments and professional levels and to avoid neglect of student scholarship

The granting and recommendations of neglected achievements should also take place in the academic form of associates, bachelors, master’s degrees and/or certificates for achievements at all steps, stages and levels of the school – Review  approval (4/5, 6/7 & 8/9) or educational advancements/recognition (or referral).

Resolution 9.0 CHANGE

Create and address change from out-dated old school and antiquated thought processes which have gone out of contemporary fashion

The BAC should also announce a change of fashion in the way they conduct, and display themselves in order to make the architectural environment conducive to the need black Afro-Americans to ensure a productive and expeditious environment exists and better interactivity /communication is created.

Resolution 10.0 ESTABLISH

Establish afro-American councils to assist and specify the adjudication of possible and evident problems.

Establish an office and group/committee on Afro-American affairs to ensure that specific grievances are not white washed into the unreal invisibility of fictional stories of de-facto school address.

Resolution 11.0 MONITOR

Use self-monitoring strategies to eliminate deviant and destructive behavior

Constantly address the failures of the Boston Architectural Center (BAC) in order to improve any negative atmosphere that may exist between the staff/faculty instructors and the students in order to keep the students and the school competitive and active.

Resolution 12.0 SUPPORT

Support the ambition of students and do not oppose or over-impose faculty ideals on the students dreams and ambitions of career development esp. Afro-Americans.

Uphold the values, interest and convictions of the students and their ethnic importance, because without the students there would be no staff, faculty, instructors/professors or center.

Resolution 13.0 REALIZE

Realize the Potential of all students esp. Afro-Americans in architecture/studies try to bring out the best in them instead of prosecuting them for perceived minor faults or overwhelming situations and/or extenuating circumstances. These students are to be the architects of our future in more than one way.

Many Black/African American students are the pioneers from their communities or cities seeking to become not just a degreed architect/practitioner for the professional “status”, but seek to become an architect of the future of their communities and to meet the needs of the city in which they live or the international/developing community in which the communicate and share interactions of concern.

Resolution 14.0 ENSURANCE

Ensure Afro-American Students that their talents will not be put to waste.

Ensure Afro-American Students that they will not be overlooked and become the subject of victimization and their efforts will not be thrown away or eliminated like an unwanted virus or disease Afro- Americans are of the most artistically creative and talented people on this planet earth and the world will lose this talent if jealousy and bigotry take reign and effect the development of our future as civilized society.



These resolutions and recommendations are addressed to the Boston Architectural Center because of their need to improve the record of mistreatment and unfair procedures against Black/Afro-Americans.


Blueprint for Reform Part 2 –

Restructuring the academic program as yearly steps towards graduation, Freshman to Senior

& Pre-graduate/Independent Professional (Thesis Project)

The BLUEPRINT for Reforming the BAC- towards the National Standard – College levels of accomplishments – New ranking implementation of Freshman/Foundation, Sophomore, Junior, Senior and/or Pre-Graduate Levels.

Rev. 1/13/2010 (December 2011)

Bringing Educational REFORM, CHANGE and improvement to the problematic educational system/program at Boston Architectural College…

Reforming the BAC by getting the BAC on the right track:

The BAC has very low graduation and retention rates far below National Standards – therefore the school has a high fall-out/drop-out and/or transfer rate because the program/system is poorly designed and is often a waste of a student’s time /bad investment for achieving students who could have gone to another school/college to excel/receive their degree without the problems that are created by the faulty program/staff and problematic leadership at the BAC.

Often the system at the BAC leads student backward instead of forward in the professional workplace.

Therefore, Reforming the BAC by getting the BAC on the right track by demanding /challenging the BAC to follow the U.S. College National Standards of promotion/recognition of student achievement & success toward graduation is in order because students at the BAC are getting the shaft and being cheated and manipulated out of their educational investment by the failed structure/system of the BAC program.

Additionally, the Associate degree is the foundation of academic accomplishment and the BAC is lacking this very important and critical degree – in the steps of students matriculating and becoming successful Architectural Professionals in today’s very busy workplace (without this degree the student does not have any foundation to stand upon in a long program such as the BAC’s or if any issues arise on the path to the Bachelors’ Degree.

The BAC has yet to offer an Associate’s degree for students who have passed the 4/5 level during their program at the BAC, although they have passed the Associates level and are moving toward a Bachelors level, they are still left without holding a Degree or Certificate that they can present in the workplace in which they are employed and are moving ahead,
without this degree the student does not have any foundation to stand upon in a long program such as the BAC has- without the associates degree BAC students are losing ground in the workplace and the problematic/failed program of the BAC works against the success of student/professionals who are therefore often seen as less than associates in the Architectural workplace especially if you are a Black/Minority or African-American.

To the Attention of the President and the Board of Directors of the BAC:

320 Newbury Street, Boston MA 02115 – Regarding Critical needs and improvements to the BAC Program/Education System

By: Joseph C. Edgecombe:                                                            Rev. 1/13/2010


The Blueprint for Change & Reform at the Boston Architectural Center

The Associates Degree is the Foundation of Success in the workplace without an associate degree the BAC is depriving Architectural student/professionals true success and independence in the competitive business world or the practice of Architecture and Design.

Proposed Associate Degree Process/Current BAC Programs are amended to Facilitate Freshman/Foundation Year to Sophomore Levels of Accomplishment


Proposed Bachelor’s Degree Process/Current BAC Programs are amended to Facilitate Sophomore, Junior and Senior/Pre-graduate Levels of Accomplishment

After completed 47 credits in Segment 1 and 13-15 credits in segment 2 or approx. 60-62 academic credits along with the work curriculum, the student can move on the BAC Bachelor’s Degree process /Program and options for concentration or specialty.

Certificate Awards: 3 Certificates recognizing Academic and Professional Progress which students can bring to their home or workplace of recognition their achievements.

Associates Level Completion: 4/5 Sophomore Level / General Educational/Portfolio Review – Certificate (Sophomore Level)

Proposed AAS Associates of Architectural Studies for the Boston Architectural College

Amendment of Architectural Programming for Associates Degree/3-3.5 year Certificate of academic accomplishment based on the 4 year American college degree standard of recognition in professional business

Proposal by Joseph C. Edgecombe, BAC Alumni – Appeals Graduate 1990

11/1/2008 (11/19/08 updated)

The New Priorities: Fair-minded recognition of accomplishments instead of confusing/denying accomplishments/progress

The Granting Of Certificates and Degrees of Accomplishments

  • 4/5 Certificate
  • 6/7 Certificate
  • Associate of Architecture & Design Degree/Professional Certificate (3 years of professional work/practice and academic progress/accomplishments)
  • 8/9 Pre-graduate Admittance (graduate-prep)/Certificate

Freshman and Sophomore (start/completion) Levels

Certificate Awards: 2 Certificates recognizing Academic and Professional Progress which students can bring to their home or workplace of recognition their achievements.

  • Freshman Level – 2 years of Academic Study, and Preparation for 4/5 Portfolio Review
  • 4/5 Sophomore Level – General Educational/Portfolio Review – Certificate (Sophomore level)
  • 6/7 Work Curriculum/Practice Review- Certificate (Sophomore -to- Junior B. Arch Level)

Architectural Studies Degree, Foundation of Architecture Degree:

  • Interdisciplinary Associates of HTC in Architectural Design Studies
  • Associates of Architectural Design Studies or Media & Technology


Proposed Bachelor’s Degree Process/Current BAC Programs are amended to Facilitate Sophomore, Junior and Senior Levels of Accomplishment

Sophomore Completion:  Junior and Senior Levels

Start / Entrance into Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • PRACTICE: 6/7 Junior Level / Work Curriculum/Practice Review- Certificate (Junior Level)

DESIGN (Architecture):

  • Bachelors of Design Studies/Students – Concentration or Specialty/Major, Partial completion of Work /Practice Study/Program
  • Junior Year: Complete all academic requirements to enter Final BDS year/Senior (Project) year.


  • Bachelors of Architecture Students, Full Completion of Work /Practice – Study/Program
  • Junior Year: Complete all academic requirements to enter the 8/9 Senior Level / Portfolio Review – Certificate

Enter-Senior Level/Final Academic Year (BDS Degree Option)

  • Design Pre-Grad. Project Final Written or  Design Project Option

Advanced Architectural Pre-Graduate / Independent Level (Old Pre-Thesis Level)

Enter: Bachelors of Architecture – Concentration or Specialty/Major

  • Pre-Graduate/Independent Student Program requirements (Pre-Thesis/Old Program)
    • Grad. Project Final Written or  Design Project Option

Enter: Masters of Architecture Program

Diversity and Academic Issue Note & School Structural Administrative Problems: (Late 1980’s-90’s)

The BAC should also give consideration to past dedicated students who did not benefit from receiving an associate’s degree or review certificate (at the midpoint of their attendance) as they advanced in their careers.

Additionally: the BAC will note that students who have in the past times of transitional staff and faculty (Late 1980’s-90’s) and due process who may not have received their Bachelor Degree and attained pre-graduate/graduate status at the 8/9 Level  (8/9 review/approval and course/program completion) or Appeals Committee  approval  and documentation toward graduation from the BAC – Shall be recognized as having the skills, education and experience beyond most Bachelor’s Degree programs at most colleges and therefore be recognized as excelling in the program and by recognized as an equivalency degree Graduate of the BAC – without further a delay. Also with regard to racial issues of graduation and due process the BAC should recognize that there are issues of diversity in the field of Architecture and that person of color or African-American decent should be respected in attempting to resolve issues regarding race and not disrespected, dismissed or disqualified.


The linkage of Art/Drafting, Design, and Art history can be combined architecturally including Architecture/ Interior Design, Graphics/Photography and portfolio studies and CADD/ Computer aided design etc, This Interdisciplinary approach can equal an Associate’s  Degree or degree’s in the field of Currently there are only a few schools/colleges that offer an Associate’s degree in Architectural studies.

The BAC has yet to offer an Associate’s degree for students who have passed this level during their program at the BAC,  although they have passed the associates level and are moving toward a bachelors level they are still left without  holding a degree  that they can present in the workplace in which they are employed and are moving ahead. In many situations an Associate’s degree in architectural studies may be need to secure their path to a successful future. And since the BAC program is longer than most college 4 year programs it would only make fair sense to equip BAC students with Associates degree in order to give them a secure foundation for their future.

Proposed Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Associates of HTC in Architectural Design Studies:

Total 60-62 Academic credits for completion (54-62).

  • 47 credits in Segment I, 13-15 credits in Segment II, 3-3.5 years, along with the Work Curriculum/Progress

Freshman: Completion of Segment I/ 47 credits

  • Architectural / Design Studios, The academic component of the curriculum encompasses both Liberal Studies and professional education specific to architecture (Design Studio, History and Theory, Technology and Management, Visual Studies, and Thesis). The Design Studio sequence is at the core of the curriculum.
  • In Segment I, students follow the BAC’s design and liberal studies foundation curriculum consisting of design and visual studies, writing and analysis, math and physics, and history and theory of design.
    • In Segment I – Foundation, students acquire basic knowledge, skills, and awareness in both general and professional education.

Sophomore: Partial Completion of Segment II / 13-15 credits

  • In Segment II, students focus on their selected concentration of study. In addition, students continue their education in the liberal arts with studies in social and physical sciences, humanities, and an array of general elective courses of their choice.
    • In Segment II – Integration, students explore — in breadth and depth — the field of architecture. Emphasis is on integrating skills, knowledge, and awareness

At approx. the half-way point through segment 2 the student  completes their Associates level of degree studies, that is after completing the 4/5 Design Studio review and the work curriculum (6/7 Review) and 1-2 (Advanced) C level Design studio’s which  is the completion of 5/6  Design Studios.

  • In the practice component of the curriculum, students work in area firms to earn a total of 54 credits.

The completion of 4/5 Design Studios (along with the 6/7) marks the (Advanced Professional) Associates Degree level of design and the progress of the student. At this point of the progress and review, having completed 47 credits in Segment 1 and 13-15 credits in Segment 2. 

Completion of the Associates Degree / Sophomore to Junior Level for Bachelor’s Degree

The Associates degree can be awarded as a merit of basic accomplishment in the Architectural Profession.

The Associates degree could be completed in (3-3.5 years). This would give the student the proper foundation and the support needed to progress in the workplace and be recognized as an achievement oriented person.

If the student does not have at least an associate’s degree after 4 years of college and/or work experience – excelling and surviving in the professional workplace could prove to take a negative turn, therefore since the BAC does not and has never in the past given any certificates or symbols of display documentation of approval or completion of the 4/5 portfolio, 6/7 work/practice curriculum, or the 8/9 portfolio approval or completion – I would recommend the following:

In order to be fair and ethical about the level of achievement of BAC student’s abilities, the BAC should now grant the Associates Degree in order to recognize that BAC students have made significant progress over a 3-4 year period in both professional and academic environments toward the Bachelor’s Degree and toward accomplishments in the professional world of the workplace.

  • Further Course study would go toward the Bachelor’s Degree and toward completing IDP requirements through NCARB in Washington ton DC. (Note: ref. BAC website)

Joseph Edgecombe, B. Arch. BAC Alumni – Special Appeals Graduate 1990,                                    617-905-9218

Rev 12/4/2010 JCE

Undergraduate Program:  Basic Plan – Design (General Plan)

  • Undergraduate Architecture & Design Studies Programs:

Year 1, Foundation/Freshman 1, Year: Academic –Only Program/Intro. – Year, Day Program

Year 1-2, Freshman 2, Year(s): First & Second Full Year of Practice and Education

Year 3, Sophomore Year: (After Passing 4/5 Review) Achievement of Associates Degree

Year 4, Junior Year: (After Passing 6/7 Review)/ Achievement of Adv. Student -Professional Status

  • Completion of all Academic & Professional requirements to enter Senior/Final Year

Year 5/6, Senior Year/Senior Project Final Year: 

  • BDS Design Studies-Various Degrees, Final Year/Academic Completion Year

BDS Architecture – Design Degree Program/Completion: (Advance to B. Arch. Degree Option)

Year 5/6, Design Pre-Graduate/Project Final Year(s): (After Passing 8/9 Review)

  • BDS Architecture  – Final Year /Academic Completion Year

Bachelor of Architecture Degree Program/Completion: 

Year 7, Advanced Architecture Studies Pre-Graduate Project/Independent Year(s):

  •  (Pre)Professional Bachelor of Architecture Degree